How to care for house plants

Plant Care 101

Understanding Plant Care Basics

Owning a houseplant is a great way to improve an interior or exterior environment. They’re the perfect addition to any home, office, or workspace. Some plants are natural showstoppers and others will sit nicely on a kitchen shelf or a book case.

As living organisms, many indoor plants need a little TLC to keep them happy and healthy. But if you’re a first-time plant parent, it can initially seem a little daunting! If you’re ever stuck, take a look at our blog or the plant care information found in the product description on our website!

Plants need three key elements to survive: light, food, and water. As plant parents, we have control over all of these elements. The difficulty lies in knowing what your houseplants prefer. Some love to catch those sun-rays while others prefer a shadier spot! That’s why we’ve devised this handy list of tips and tricks to keep you in the know about plant care!

Discover plant accessories and tools to care for your house plants and keep them healthy all year round.

Discover our extensive range of soil substrates and fertilisers! If you need to repot your plant, then you’re in luck!